

 Today in class we continued the project. I chose the college Georgia state. My major is business. Five things my occupation does is Advise clients on prices, mortgages, market conditions, and related information. Compare properties to determine a competitive market price. Generate lists of properties for sale, including details such as location and features. Promote properties through advertisements, open houses, and listing services. Take prospective buyers or renters to see properties. In conclusion, today was a good day. 

Reflection 12/10

 Today nothing happen. I went to every class and made up work. I also worked on my Joshua law, I’m almost finish. My head want to start hurting right before I leave school. I was on my phone most of today because I barley had something to do.


 Today was a regular class schedule. I have two projects to do for my school finals. They could have gave them to me last week. The projects are easy almost finish with both. I love doing projects about my career or things that’s for the better. We about to graduate so these assignments would be helpful. Today was a good day I got mostly everything I needed to get done, done. I finish my Joshua law‼️ In conclusion, today was great.

Reflection 12/9

 Yesterday my day was boring and quick. My head hurted so bad. When I went home I went straight to sleep. I didn’t really do anything. I’m caught up on all my work so I don’t be having nothing to do. I haven’t been going to work because of my eyelashes, which I don’t care. I needed a break from them anyway. I’m conclusion, I had a simple day yesterday.

Reflection 12/8

 Today I just got some rest. Nothing much happen, didn’t really do anything. I did go to work, despite how much I didn’t want to go. I’m already caught up on a lot work so I felt like I earned a day off. I’m going to resume to my normal schedule as planned. In conclusion, today have been a simple day.

Reflection 12/7

 Today we finish the rest of the milestone. It was alright the stories be weird and be taking a lot to talk about they topic. And the questions be off topic of hard to find. But overall it was okay I got through it, that’s all that matter, they could really let me go home after the test. My head be hurting because we look at a computer all day. In conclusion, today was a straight day.

Reflection 12/6

 Today I had to to take the Georgia millstone. I was not prepared because I didn’t know I had to take one. I was sitting in first and Makayla called and told me to come to the right class. So I wasn’t even ready mentally but the test was so easy. I love the topics of the essay it was about being an entrepreneur or traditional employment. I have studied being an entrepreneur for a year so I have prior knowledge. The whole five question was a breeze. In conclusion, this is the easiest milestone.