
Showing posts from October, 2021


 Today in class we just presented our homework in front of the class. I was the questioner for chapter six part two. I was trying to come with some really deep questions. So that’s why I missed yesterdays blog on accident. One of the questions I said was “do you feel as if sometimes you focus on the past so much, you don’t live in the present moment?” My answer is no, because if something happens to me I try handle it as soon as possible. So once I fix the problem I won’t spend much time over thing about it because the situation is over. In conclusion, today was good and I enjoyed the class discussion.


 I’m sorry I missed yesterday I was too caught up in the homework we did. I came up with 5 discussion questions about chapter six. I had question like “do you have something that makes you feel safe?” For my answer yes, my blanket make me safe like nobody can’t get me. The person that make me safe is my friend Brooklyn from work because we talk about everything and out bond is emasculate. In conclusion, I miss this blog, and I hope you count it.

Free day😜

Chapter 5- Wild life



 Today I really thought I was going to school, until I couldn’t get up In the morning. I just finished the rest of my sleep. Then I woke up and try to finish some work. I eat breakfast and watch TV. I did some more work. I took out my hair and washed it and was just on my phone. Today was a mental health day, a relax, and chill day. I’m conclusion, I took a mental health day from school. 

A Mega-Transect of California Along the PCT

Summary- Michale and Amy decided to take a thru-hike on the pct for phd research. After the hike Michele decided he wanted to be a wild life biologist. 


 Today in class we just tried to finish our sources for our group project. I already have six, I just need four more to make ten. I like my selection of members in my group, cool people. I had an good day everything was straight. I'm glad I get to go home after school. I get to more rest and all my work done for real. I can actually have time to myself, that's all I need. In conclusion, today was very good day.


 Today in class we went over the second chapter of the book “wild” by Cheryl. After we went over the questions we had to continue with our sources. I started today actually but I got a good majority of the sources finish. They were easy to do once, the teacher explained and showed examples. I was so stress because I didn’t know how to do the project. My day was straight except for mr. Spence calling my mom I’m not going let him stress me out tho😌. Other than that I had a good day. In conclusion, reviewed chapter two and finish up our sources.


Today in class we went over gender roles. I learned the difference between sex and gender. For example,Sex- refers to the biological charteristics with which we are born. Gender- refers to the learned attitudes and behaviors that charaterize people of one sex or the other.Gender roles- are the characteristics, attitude feelings, and behaviors that society expects of female and male. Gender identity- The personal sense of one's gender. Sexual orientation- sexual attraction to persons of the opposite sex or gender the same sex or gender, or to both sexes or more than one gender.  At the end of the day, biologically you come out as a girl or a boy, so either go by them genders or do your own thing. I really don’t want what you call yourself, it nothing of my business. In conclusion, I liked the lesson we had because people get to express their opinion 


 Today, I just chilled in the house and relaxed. I was really sleep deprived and needed time to chill. I did get enough sleep this weekend or that week. I’m going to be ready tomorrow to start my day. I stayed up and read the first chapter of the book because I forgot too this weekend. My mom and I enjoyed it, it was so interesting. It almost made me cry because I would be so hurt if that happen to my mom. It took me like a hour to read it I think. In conclusion, I got some rest and enjoyed my day. 


 Today we just finish up the benchmark test. My day was straight once again. I don’t know what have changed but it’s been nothing but happiness. I have been a good mood at work, like you know it real when work didn’t even make me mad. I’m happy life had been good. This is such a blessing. I’m ready to learn in class because I don’t like taking testes at all. In conclusion, today was good and we just finish our benchmark.


 Today was a very long boring day. They should have kept us home because mostly everyone was testing. All we did today was sit at the desk and do probably one assignment for an hour and 30 min. In ap lit, we had to take a test, which made it even more boring. So I had to take a nap because I was tired of just sitting and waking up early. Then I seen them paragraphs and it drifted me to sleep. I plan making a better effort tomorrow. In conclusion, I had a boring day.


 This was post to be the first day back from fall break. I ended up missing my alarm, I woke at 8, but at that point why try to make it to school it’s basically over. I just finished the rest of my sleep ate something, and then went to work. I didn’t do much at all and my day has been straight. I have been in a very good mood. Fall break really was the best break ever. In conclusion, my over sleep and enjoyed my day.


 I have a legitimated reason why I didn’t post at the 12am mark. I went straight to work and didn’t get off until 11:30. Doing all that how couldn’t I forget. It’s only 1:39 so that’s not two late. For class we just had blog recovery. And the. A fire to end the day off. I have a long day I need to be sleep so it’s going to be a little short, but that should be ok because we didn’t do much to talk about. So I’m going end the night off and going to bed😴  rate for today: 5/10


 Today we was taught the introduction of the book “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed. We wrote down ten things we need while one going on a hike. My ten was 1. Water 2. Food 3. Flashlight 4. Batteries 5. Knife 6. First aid kid 7. Compass 8. Light Clothes 9. A rolling backpack and 10.tent. We leaned the differences between hikes. A thru hike - a long distance end to end hiking trail that is usually completed in one straight shot. Backpacking- is when you go on a multi day hike. Day hike- a hike that can be completed within a day. In conclusion, was a successful day.


 Today is my birthday 🥳 so I took an off day for myself. I watch movies had cupcakes and relaxed. I didn’t do much today because I did something all weekend. I hope I didn’t miss a lot of information at school. I’m getting older and have to make a lot of life decisions. In conclusion, it’s my day and I enjoyed it.


 Tody I left early so I missed the lesson. Earlier I made up my essay I don’t think I did that bad, but I know it’s not the best. I had to do a lot of thinking. My birthday weekend is this weekend 🤪🤪I’m soo happy I missed my friends so much. I’m ready to have so much fun. I’m surprise I remember to do my blog. That’s what happen yesterday I forgot because  o has so much to do and it slips my mind. I would have did it if I remembered. In conclusion, we going to turn up because it’s about to be my birthday!!!