9\13 Reflection

  Today, was a chill day. I went through every class with ease. I had a decent amount of class work. I didn’t really talk to nobody, it feels good just being to yourself. We read a poem and analyze it. We had a discussion about childhood and how it’s important. I felt it’s very important because it represent the experiences you go through while your little. It’s the most precious time because what you see and go through when your young, can follow into your adult life. I’ve heard that what age your pain happen that’s the age your mindset is at. In other words, what age you was traumatized at, can lead to your adult life because you haven’t dealt with that situation. Being traumatize, you bag that hurt and pain around and carry it to situations in the future, and you act the say way you did when you was hurt. It’s called a pain body.I read this out of a book named “Awakening to yours life’s purpose.” In conclusion, I liked the discussion we had in class.


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