
Showing posts from August, 2021

8/31 Notes


Absent Reflection

    The morning of 8/30 I woke up and wanted to go back to sleep. I had to convince to let me stay out so bad. She told me just go late, but I forgot to set my alarm. I finally woke up from some good sleep and went into my moms room. I ordered some food from Zaxby’s, it was so good😋. After, I clean up my room and folded my clothes. Then I went to pick up my new glasses. Next, I went to “rue 21” and got some more clothes to wear. They had some nice clothes in there I have to go back and get some more. After leaving there, I went to “Big Lots” and “Walmart” to get hygiene products. I had a good day and it was a good reason I missed school, so I could get clothes, my glasses, and things I need. I came back to the house, tried my clothes on, and went to sleep. I really had a productive and happy day. 

8/27 summary

    The overall feeling of today was just blahh😒. It wasn’t nothing to brag on it was just a regular day. For example, I had to take a quiz in AP history and I was panicking a little bit. Hopefully I did good and still have a good grade. For my fourth period I learned about the body argument. It includes six rules to follow such as, claim, evidence, explain, evidence, explain evidence 2, and conclude. Todays lesson was simple, nothing too difficult. The day go by so fast and that’s what I like so much. I really be wanting to go to sleep and just be tired. I miss being virtual now🥺 I didn’t have to wake up so early and I could go to sleep when I want. Those was the good days. Hopefully we should be going back once the school get a lot of COVID cases. It’s already been one I don’t know why they still got us here, this is beyond me🤦🏽‍♀️.

8/26 Reflection‼️

   Today in class we learned about “Rhetoric of Place.” For example, rhetoric of place is at the core of our contribution to the study of place in protest and place generally. It’s a very easy subject to get, not hard material at all. Class was pretty simple didn’t have do nothing extreme. I really don’t have nothing pacific to talk about, so I will talk about my whole day. I took two quizzes for Spanish and Physics. I don’t understand how we just learn things for 3 days then have a quiz, least give me a week to process the information. I can’t control what happens, so I just have to thug it out. In conclusion, my day was decent.  


  Today we learned a different set of definitions. For example,  a claim- The topic and the opinion about the topic. Evidence is the reason that supports the claim. Grounds- specific reasons or support that backs up the claim. Warrant- underlying assumption or chain of the reason that connects the ground to the claim. Rebuttal- a counter arguments. The lesson was very useful and needed for future. I enjoyed the beginning of class writing down the definitions I’m going to need. I drifted off a little bit because I be really sleepy as you know from my previous blog.

What I Do Today?

  Today, I woke up and was it was hard to get up. I was so sleepy, I didn’t feel like getting up, I wanted to continue sleeping. I was sleep until 9:30 when my sister wanted to wake me to go see a house with her. I paused my sleep and got ready. Turned out the realtor was a fraud and we left, and went home. I ate a good breakfast and laid back done. I eat again and was out until 7:30pm. I decided to make my blog before I forget, I really didn’t do anything today. I really don’t like missing school and missing information, but I just needed some more sleep. In conclusion, I missed school to get more sleep.

Reflection for 8/23/21

    Today in class I learned about rhetorical situations. A Rhetorical situation is it my circumstances in which one or more people employ rhetoric, finding  all the available means of persuasion. The eight components are exigence, context, speaker, purpose, audience, text, and genre. The rhetorical situation will be given to you in the prompt introduction. Class was a little boring at first until we got into the details of applying the rhetorical situations to kiesha speech. I almost drifted to sleep I was so tired, but I stayed strong to hear the lesson. In conclusion, the lesson that was taught was about rhetorical situations. 😁

8/19/20 Reflection

    My 4th period class was a nice and simple day. We came straight in and got started with presenting our poem projects. I didn’t the presentation had to be so long, it literally took up the whole class period for just two groups to go. The other groups poems was very meaningful and beneficial to learn how to deal with life. Life is not going to go how you want it, but it’s how you coupe through the rough time that matters. Both of the poems was stating how when things go left you don’t fall down, instead you be optimistic about the situation. I love the poems it just make you want to never give up and always look on the bright side.  ✨My day was alright now on to the next 🌻 Class was 8/10 recommended 

Wednesday Reflection

    Today in Mr. Rease class, we had a bad start. For example, the class was doing to much talking back to him, so he decided to not let us finish the bell ringer. Lucky he didn’t want to be mean to us and we just continue with the lesson. The lesson was to pair up in groups, read the poems, and to do the assignment pertaining to the poems. I had to be the illustrator, the poem was about dreams. I decided to draw a picture of a girl day dreaming about her dream she always wanted while laying in a barren field. The illustration was a little childish, but I did the best I could do. In conclusion, today’s lesson was communicative. 


    My dreams are to have financial and self freedom. For example, I want to be able to buy anything I want and go anywhere I want. I do not want to be tied down to no job. I want to move and make money on my own time. For my future I want to be investing into my self and the next generation to come. I plan on achieving my goals by having multiple of incomes, such as cosmetology, Esthetician, real estate, YouTube, investment in stock market, and owning my business. I’m going to accomplish a lot of careers in my life time so I can have the freedom I want. I can avoid deferring my dreams by always putting in the effort to get where I want, not giving up, and always having the passion to be free from the difficulties of life. In conclusion, I will work very hard to turn my dreams into reality.

Monday Reflection

 Today in class I learned how to read poetry and annotate. For example, to read poetry, first analyze the title, read it to get a feel of it, to determine meaning, and to make a connection. Annotating consist of as circling unfamiliar words, underline important part, ask questions, and making notes. We also went over this poem “The Negro Speaks Of River” and it talked about how black people was the original creators and built the pyramids. It was very educational for vocal people so they know their worth and where they come from m. It can stop a lot of black peoples from thinking bad about themselves and thinking that they done come from nothing. When in reality it’s the exact opposite, they made us believe all these lies. Today was a good lesson and well needed. 

Reflection for Thursday

 The reflection for Thursday was very educational. For example, we learned how to read with a purpose and that you can have multiple purposes when reading a text. You can always have purpose with anything you do. It was kinda hard  to focus because my mind had a lot going with the death of my Uncle Johnny🥺. Last weekend was really hard for me it need to be more hours in a day. I’m sorry for not turning this on time but that’s Thursday night I was going through a lot I do not want to fail this class!!!!!!

Today’s Reflection

Today in Mr. Rease’s classroom, we took a diagnostic test. It was to see where we are in comprehending a small passage. We learned how to thoroughly pick the correct answer choice and eliminate incorrect options. I feel that the lesson was refreshing. I also feel the diagnostic test was a little simple, but I liked that it wasn’t hard. Overall, today’s lesson was cool🤙


  My zodiac sign is a Libra, it represents a scale so I tend to balance out people’s energy. I am a very outgoing and out spoken person. My family is important to me and I have healthy bonds with them. I am a very creative and exploring spirit. I see myself doing many different things for my future. For example, I want to do real estate, grow from my business, and become an esthetician. I feel there’s so many opportunities and advantages I have to do anything I want, I don’t want to limit my capability. My short term goals for the school year is to make straight A’s again, improve my business, and to have opportunities that can lead me to where I want to go. This is Alisha and I can do anything I put my mind to.😁