
Showing posts from September, 2021


 Today I couldn’t get out the bed and I kept getting woke up. I’m glad I missed today so I can get everything I need for my birthday. I am mad I missed my essay but I’m going to try tomorrow. When I woke my mom and sister we all had a talk. After I drove to the beauty supply and grab some odds and ins. I came home watch tv and talk to my friends. Then I got ready for work. In conclusion, I had a straight day.


   Today in class we just went over the homework. Then we analyze the picture of one of the sources. We had free class after that. Today went by fast, which is good because I be so tired. I just need two weeks of relaxing not doing nothing😎. The weekend feel like 5mins, not enough time to relax. I wish they just put everything on google classroom and I can do virtual school. They should have kept it the same as last year. It was alright when we woke up at 8:10, but now I have to wake up at 6:30, like that’s too early. In conclusion, today was fast and finish all my work.


    Today we learned the processes of writing a synthesis essay. The steps are to read the prompt, analyze the prompt, take a position, and evaluate the source. When choosing how you write your evidence you could use direct quotation, paraphrase, and summary. When direct quoting you should use word for word and no more than two sentences. Paraphrasing means putting the text in your own words. When doing a summary it shouldn’t be no more than one sentence. I’m guessing later in the week we going to have to write an essay. Today’s lesson was just explaining the steps we should take when writing an synthesis essay.


Let’s hope you don’t take off points because technically I still made the dead line. Yesterday we learned what we should do when writing an essay. You have to read the prompt thoroughly and understanding whats it’s asking you to do. Also, you shouldn’t quote nothing from the prompt. The evidence they put in the prompt is just an example. Finally, you should always provide appropriate evidence. The lesson was need so the students can learn more about writing an essay. In conclusion, the lesson for Friday was to improve essay skills.


 Today we just read two poems. The last poem was discussing how you should hope for nothing and should have faith. Faith claims that you already know it’s going to happen, while hope is just wishing something might happen. You have to already believe that’s it’s going to happen, if not your doubting yourself. We have to watch what come out our mouths, might be accidentally telling yourself you can do it. The lesson was simple, I had an ok day. The day went by fast but it still take a lot of energy. I had went home and went to sleep for a long time. I just be needing to rejuvenate. In conclusion, we read a poem discussing hope and faith.


  Today we went over a poem “it’s a Funeral in my mind.” I forget the name of it but it went something like that. The poems was basically talking about how she lost her mind I think from someone passing. It could have been someone passing or she relating it to her. The bellringer question had ask what’s something that will make us loose our mind. My first thought was my mom because that’s all I have. On the regular day basics it’s my job that make me loose my mind🤦🏽‍♀️. I’m exaggerating but I’m fr. Sometimes this job just be making me mad 😠. On the other hand, it (sometimes) be good when I can talk to my friends. I’m conclusion, the lady in the poem was going through a lot.

9/21 Reflection

 Today we was post to right an essay for test. I really about to do it, until my mom picked me up early. I’m not complaining but if she didn’t, I would have tried my best. The tops was talking about which is more valuable in this age free will or safety. I sided with safe because it determines what hobbies you have, what you become in life, and where you get your education. It took me a long time to think about it, but now I’m thinking about what you said about which one can I argue the best instead of which one I agree with. I might change my position or not it depends which one I can talk about the most. In conclusion, I would have wrote an whole essay in 40min if I didn’t leave. 

9/20 Reflection

 Today we analyzed a poem “I’m nobody! Who are you?” And “Heart, we will forget him.” The theme for the first poems was that it’s OK to not be in and it’s better to be a nobody than a somebody. I agree I don’t like being in the mix and having everyone looking at me. I would rather be a nobody in my own lane. I wouldn’t mind being an influencer on Instagram, but I wouldn’t put my business out and you would only here the positive things I have to say. On the tops who are we I feel like we shouldn’t define ourselves but Society  or object. We technically don’t know who we are, but we know what we like and how we act. I’m conclusion, today was okay, quick, and liked the lesson.


 Today, we went over my classmates argument paragraphs. The steps to success are read prompt, take position, plan essay, and thesis statement. That’s process is only post to last for 5 to 7 mins. The format of the  introduction is opening to hook the reader, introduce the topic, and state the thesis. For the body paragraph we need claim, evidence, explain evidence, evidence, explain evidence, then conclude. When concluding an essay you only need to restate the thesis and give an ending. We also tried preparing for the essay in 7 minutes. I like it and think I did good, next time I need to fully understand the prompt. At this rate I’m going to able to write an essay in 40mins, which is a good skill to have. In college they have you writing essays all the time. Today was an alright day same as any other day.


 Today we read “ stopping by woods on a snowy evening” and made a t chart. The chart was about figurative and literal. On the literal side it was stating “the woods belong to the landowner”, while figurative “natural/god.” Another example states “ the woods can be dangerous”, figuratively “ the woods be peaceful. It was a good lesson you prepared for today. My day was alright, I say that basically everyday. Every class was good, I don’t have nothing to complain about. In conclusion, we read a poem and analyze it. 

9/14 Absent

   I was planing on going to school, but I woke up late. Which technically is not my fault. It was a sign that it wasn’t my day to come. Why force it when probably there’s a reason I miss my alarm. It’s a pandemic, I don’t need to be there everyday waiting to get corona. I didn’t do nothing, but catch up on some sleep. It feels so good just relaxing. Even though I be absent, I still try to do some work on the classes that got virtual assignments. In conclusion, I missed school because I didn’t hear my alarm. 

9\13 Reflection

  Today, was a chill day. I went through every class with ease. I had a decent amount of class work. I didn’t really talk to nobody, it feels good just being to yourself. We read a poem and analyze it. We had a discussion about childhood and how it’s important. I felt it’s very important because it represent the experiences you go through while your little. It’s the most precious time because what you see and go through when your young, can follow into your adult life. I’ve heard that what age your pain happen that’s the age your mindset is at. In other words, what age you was traumatized at, can lead to your adult life because you haven’t dealt with that situation. Being traumatize, you bag that hurt and pain around and carry it to situations in the future, and you act the say way you did when you was hurt. It’s called a pain body .I read this out of a book named “Awakening to yours life’s purpose.” In conclusion, I liked the discussion we had in class.


 Today we just finish taking the bench mark test. I didn’t get to finish the essay. It was making my head hurt. It was a boring day. I don’t know why we have to take a test and not get a grade for it. I get it, it’s to see how far you came, but that’s what the milestone for. They make us take too many tests it’s never that serious. I have to take a test every week like I can’t never have at least a week to learn and process the information. In conclusion, the day was regular and went by fast. 

9/9 Absent

   I didn’t plan on not coming to school, but I sprung my hand at work. I didn’t do much today I just ate and sleep a lot. Getting up every morning it’s not for me, I be trying to come everyday. I just need to do virtual because I missed so many days and I’m not trying to get corona. It be so many people around each other I’m not trying to risk giving it to my mom. I don’t have much to talk about since nothing really happen. In conclusion, I was absent and didn’t do nothing. 

9/8 Reflection

     Today we just took a boring bench mark test. The test made my head head hurt. I didn’t get that far I had to read the passage and answer the questions and write the construction respond. I don’t know why we have to take a test and not get a grade for it. I get it, it’s to see how far you came, but that’s what the milestone for. They make us take too many tests it’s never that serious. I have to take a test every week like I can’t never have at least a week to learn and process the information. We take two days to learn the new material then a test on the third day, it’s like I’m not even trying to the information no more, just to pass the test. I don’t want it to be like that, but the next day we learning something else. In conclusion, tests are very boring 

9/7 Reflection

 Today in class, We had to do a test where we had to write a paragraph in 20 min. From my knowledge I didn’t know I was getting time, I would have written much faster. I didn’t do too bad I was on the right path just didn’t finish writing. I like having the pressure a little, to write. The day was okay it just was regular, it’s no way to describe school. I decided for my reflection to see if I can write at least 7 sentence in 15min. Since I didn’t get to see what I can actually do in 20 min, I gave my self a challenge. It really not because I don’t have a specific thing to talk about I can say anything. The lesson was today was good I like how you don’t put to much on us at one time. I’m conclusion, I had a knowledgeable day. Well I beat the challenge I had 9 mins left. 

9/3 Reflection

    Today, I had a really good day. For example, I made up my Spanish work and got a 98 in there. Then I made up a test for Mr. rease class and had a good conversation with him. I literally some how always make a connection with my teachers, me and teacher may start off on the wrong foot, but then by the end of the semester we be good. My third period class, the teacher wasn’t there and we had fun in the class we went to. My fourth period class we had to write a paragraph about explains the relationship between ownership and sense of self. I really liked the topic, I told you I can write about something I’m passionate about. I argued that ownership can ruin someone’s sense of self. In conclusion, my day was very good.

9/2 Absent

   Today, I tried to wake up on time but I couldn’t at all. I know I need to come but I was tired🥱 . I’m going to come all next week (well try), because it be too many cases, I’m not trying to get it. I really need to be virtual it would be more convenient. I woke up, ate breakfast, and my sister started taking down my hair. Then she braided my hair back up, now she going to finish my hair. I’m so happy I missed school slick because I got my hair done😁. That’s basically all I did I should be getting some more sleep, but I guess I’ll wait till tonight. In conclusion, I had a productive day.

9/1 Reflection

 Today in class we went over thesis statement and the umbrella statement.  I already knew about thesis and I think everyone did too.  I can write a essay no problem if I’m passionate about the topic or talking about me.  I’m just going to hope and pray I exceed with anything I do😌. I’m mad right now, I’m at work hungry, lucky I just got on my break🤪. I was really about to act up on these folks cuz I was starving. You don’t want to make a hungry person mad. Class was plain, cut, and simple not too much not too less. In conclusion, I actually had a nice day at school except when I left.  Ps: Ik this paragraph all over the place🤦🏽‍♀️